Steph's Suitcase

What's going on in Steph's life and her random musings... for anyone who gives a monkey.

Saturday, August 03, 2002

Finally, a chance to update without being distracted by people talking to me. By the way, my aim is Monk of St Spy and my yahoo is luna_the_cat and now I'm being distracted again. Anyway, Neal met my dad today and it wasn't scary at all. We went bowling and out of 4 games I sucked. 55, 100, 76, 81. Neal beat me every time, 124, 122, 96, 116. He got 9 strikes, the bum!! I got only 3 (which is still more than normal). We won sooooo many coupons for money off food, so much that we got a free pop with coupons to spare! After bowling we hung out for a bit then went to see Goldmember, which was HILARIOUS! That was my first official date ever and very nice. Neal said that when I put my hand on his arm he got cold, more proof that I'm a lizard and an energy vampire because I sucked the heat out of him and made me hot. In fact, I was hot the whole time we were together and as soon as he left I got cold. After the movie we went mini golfing and we SUCKED! While last time our scores were in the 50s, this time they were 70 and 72 with me losing. That's because we happened to go to a harder course with lots of 6s. Oh well, it was fun. Then I took him home. I was much more comfortable after yesterday and that makes me happy. I have a feeling things are going to change in a bit, to a higher level now that I'm more comfortable.


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