Steph's Suitcase

What's going on in Steph's life and her random musings... for anyone who gives a monkey.

Wednesday, July 09, 2003


Well, we went to Channahon to see Pirates of the Carribean with Liz. It was a really good movie. At the end it stopped briefly because the power went out, but then it came back on. Afterwards we hung out then went to eat at a Chinese buffet. We came home, where we learned that Amica bit my mom and now my mom is getting rid of her. No one wants it; we're all very upset and crying. Laura, Daddy, and I decided to spend some time with Amica for the last time so we took her for a walk then played with her. I filmed it using my camera (since it can plug into the computer) and afterwards created a movie. I think my mom is being influenced by that time of the month, because Amica has be EXCELLENT to me and others lately, which I think is a good sign. My dad and I think we should ask a vet first before we give up, or perhaps use her muxxle/leader more since my mom admitted that it helped but my mom won't give Amica any more chances. I told my mom that you only pet Amica when she wants to be petted and my mom thought we should be able to pet her all the time. Realistically, I wouldn't want people petting me when I didn't want it and I'd bite back too. I showed my movie to my sisters and they cried. I cried too, because I don't want to lose Amica.


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