i'm happy for shorty
I've decided to title my posts after the main story I have. Anyway, yesterday I sucked at bowling. I didn't even get above my average once. Afterwards we were going to go to Dairy Queen but the line was out the door so we went to Baskin Robbins instead. We've all been craving ice cream ever since my mom went on a diet and stopped buying it. I've eaten more ice cream at home than I did at college, when it was free and available every day. Neal and I watched How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. It was really good, though Neal didn't finish it because he had to leave since he works today.
Shorty got himself a new girlfriend, one who is not skinny too. Neal says Shorty always goes for the skinny girls but he seems happy with this one, who's just a little overweight. That makes me feel better because then I don't have to be the fattest one (though Neal says Renee isn't skinny either, but I can't remember since I saw her once). Anyway, Shorty's g/f is named Lonnie and she's majoring in archeology and minoring in theology. I think that's really neat. I wanted to be an archeologist once. She also doesn't drink or smoke or anything (like me) so I won't be the only one, and she's going to keep Shorty clean too which is really good. I hope I get to meet her soon.
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